welcome to the medicine within.

your magick awaits.

Hi, my name is abby.

I'm the creator of The Medicine Within. My company provides brave spaces to guide women back home to themselves by offering practices to ground ourselves amidst the chaos, open ourselves up to post-traumatic growth, and turn towards our pain with curiosity and compassion.

​It is my personal belief that we can use our pain points as a gateway to our greatest potential- and no, that doesn’t mean you need to feel grateful for the terrible things that you’ve gone through. Transmuting our shadows into gold is the work of The Alchemist. Just as a fire rises up from the earth to the sky, so too can we.

Using the chakras as our guide, my goal is to help empower you with the tools to know your Self deeper, in order to begin healing in a way that only you can uncover.

By bringing you back to your own medicine, you become your own healer. 

I wish I had had someone to hold my hand through the fires of healing, and now I would like to pass forward that kind of support to you.

You can read more about my story here.

transmuting trauma through the gifts of movement, ritual, and storytelling.

When I finally escaped my abusive relationship, I thought that was the end. I thought there would be no more trauma, no more fear, no more anxiety. In reality, it was just the beginning of my healing journey. Getting out was the first step, but I was clueless as to what was left in the aftermath that my abuser left.

We really do go through a partial soul-loss after we survive something traumatic, like abuse, or sexual assault. However, this doesn’t have to feel defeating and disempowering. It’s important that we hold this awareness, because then we have a CHOICE in how we want to move forward. When I was in this relationship, I felt like I had no choices. Every choice I made was wrong and seemed to further aggravate my ex. Now that I’m out, seeing the beauty of choice has been incredibly healing.

I believed the lie, for the longest time, that I was too broken and too damaged to be worthy of receiving love. I went on to repeat this cycle of abuse and neglect with several other partners until I had had enough. I was so hungry for love that I accepted any scraps that were thrown my way. The truth is, I was always worthy of so much more. And so are you.

Whatever kind of love, whatever kind of life you dream of, you deserve it. It is your birthright.

I’ve spent the last 10+ years learning from my past, moving closer to my Self, finding belonging, and untangling the web of lies that were left from the ghosts of ex’s past.

I finally came home to my Self, my own medicine, my own magic, and I want to help other survivors do the same.

  • You feel a sense of identity loss after trauma (whatever that means to you, yes, it’s valid).

  • You don’t know where to start in your healing journey, but you know you want to begin somehow.

  • You feel utterly alone, like no one will understand what you’ve gone through.

  • You feel like you’re losing your mind, going “crazy”.

  • You fear your emotions, because you don’t want them to drown you.

  • You feel like you have an inability to be present in your life.

  • You have a loud self-critical voice that shames and blames you.

  • You have a hard time trusting others, and an even harder time trusting yourself.

does this sound like you?

I hear you.